Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A letter sprinkled with the magic dust of heaven

I received my first letter today, miles away from my friends. I am living in a place where the native language is as unknown to me as the depths of the ocean, where the people live a different lifestyle from the one that I know and their thinking is equally apart from mine. But what binds me to the people here is the love of knowledge, a knowledge we aspire to achieve not by just reading books, but by analysing every aspect of life that we have understood and taken for granted till now. But I will talk about that some other day.
Today I just want to revel in the feeling of being loved, being loved by a person whom I love equally. I am talking about a friend of mine, a friend who is crazy, sweet, downright audacious, stupefyingly witty and dangerously perceptive. I received a letter from him today (yes, a letter – the one that you write by hand and send through the post office), the feeling of surprise was soon overcome by a feeling of warmth that enveloped me as I opened his letter and saw his handwriting. At that moment, even if a catastrophe would have occurred in my vicinity, I would have cheerfully smiled my way through it. I could not stop smiling as I envisioned his face and read his words, his wicked smile and his twinkling eyes brought back to me the moments I spent just trying to understand the devilish schemes cooking in that ever-active mind. The “King of Angmar” had deigned to send me a letter and I was as pleased as a cat who had been given an everlasting supply of milk!!!
How can I describe the relationship I share with this magnificient specimen of a human being? His thoughts will provoke you, inspire you and most of the times they will make you want to burst with laughter and mirth. His principles are strong, his thoughts are uniquely different and fresh and its a pleasure to argue with him, to pit my mind against his, all the while knowing that both of us are as stubborn as mules and will not give in.
His letters and messages and calls transform me to a plane where I can revel in my joy for an indefinite amount of time. Small gestures like this make my life worth living. i just want to tell all my friends and loved ones, that all my hard work, all my sincerity, every thought and every flash of discovery in my mind, I dedicate all this to you, because all I want is to be happy, and my happiness lies in you. I am doing my duty as a person by follwing my dreams, I am doing my duty as a student by working hard, and I am sure as hell trying to do my duty as a friend by aspiring to earn your respect and love as a friend. Coz you deserve to have as your friends only the best people in the world, and that is what I aspire to be. I miss you all every day and I hope you know that my life is dedicated to treasuring the gems that I have collected along life's mysterious paths. You are one of these gems, shine on me, you crazy diamonds.........Love you guys.
PS: Tubby, you are the best fried a girl could have! Your words have burst in my mind like delightful fire crackers sparkling with such an intensity that I am sure this glow will not fade as long as I have you in my life. Love you dude!!! Keep smiling.