Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey, all you people out there. My exams are going on and i decided to study with a vengeance this time so I am limiting the time i normally spend blogging. By the way, I regularly take a look around at other people's blogs and i am continually amazed to see so much interesting stuff out there! I leave a few appreciating comments and sometimes i drone on about my feelings on the blog! So all you people out there who love life and dream big, and just enjoy being their quirky selves ( I love noticing quirky habits of different people, its so cool when people are just themselves. You can notice their slight mannerisms and smile that set them apart from anybody else. One day i want to go around the world, catch hold of 1 person at a time and tell them that for an hour they can do exactly what they want and be what they want and then I want to see what every person does, coz that would be the true indication of their personality. What an amazing feeling that would be, to see people being carefree, unique and filled with joy! Now that would be worth writing about!!). Anyways, as i was saying, cheers to all of us who love being happy. Take care all!

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